Thursday, February 19, 2009


I will be speaking at the Symposium on Wednesday, February 25, 09.  It will be held at the UCO Liberal Arts building.  I am not sure yet what room it will be held in.  Some of the photos I will be sharing will be the self-portraits that I completed last semester for my final in Advanced Commercial Photo, and then what I am presently working on for my Portfolio class.

This is one of many mushroom photos I took at the beginning of last fall's semester.  Remember when it rained a lot, and then we saw mushrooms popping up everywhere?  I decided to not take them for granted, and went around town one morning and shot photos of these little guys (who are often overlooked and under appreciated).  I decided to show some of them in the presentation to give a contrast on how different my style was at the beginning of that semester compared to the end, and my present style.
The image below is one that I took one photo of my friend, Holly, and took a photo of a textured-looking wall, and put them on top of each other using the Texture Overlay in Photoshop.

I hope to see everyone at the Symposium!  I have to take photos around the building after my presentation for the LA Dean's office.  So I will be there all day!